Pension Trusts

Here we’ll help you understand what pension trusts are, how they work, and how you can get one set up.

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Pension Trust Advice from Joslin Rhodes

As Pension and Retirement experts serving Teesside for over 20 years, we believe that planning for retirement is an absolute must. And Pension Trusts can play a vital role in your plans, securing the future you not only want for yourself but also your loved ones.

Pension Trusts
Pension Trusts

What is a Pension Trust?

A Pension Trust is a legal arrangement in which assets are held and managed for the benefit of a pension scheme’s members. In the UK, pension trusts are commonly used for occupational pension schemes and are overseen by trustees who manage the assets on behalf of the beneficiaries.

Pension Trusts

What Pensions Trusts Can Do For You

  • Secure Your Retirement Income: Pension Trusts provide a structured way to save and invest for retirement, ensuring a reliable income when you retire.
  • Provide Tax Benefits: Contributions to Pension Trusts often come with tax advantages, such as tax relief on contributions and tax-efficient growth of the fund.
  • Protect your Assets: Assets within a Pension Trust are protected and managed by trustees, safeguarding them from creditors and potential misuse.
  • Diversify Your Investments: Pension trusts can invest in a wide range of assets, offering flexibility and the potential for growth to ensure a comfortable retirement.
Pension Trusts
Pension Trusts
Pension Trusts

Types of Pension Trusts in the UK

  1. Defined Benefit (DB) Pension Trusts: These trusts promise a specific retirement income based on your salary and years of service. The employer bears the investment risk and is responsible for ensuring the trust has sufficient funds to pay the promised benefits.
  2. Defined Contribution (DC) Pension Trusts: In these trusts, contributions from you and your employer are invested, and the value of your pension depends on the performance of these investments. The retirement income is not guaranteed and depends on the amount accumulated in the trust.
  3. Hybrid Pension Trusts: These combine elements of both DB and DC schemes, offering a mix of guaranteed income and investment-based benefits.
  4. Self-Invested Personal Pension (SIPP) Trusts: SIPPs allow individuals to have more control over their pension investments, including options to invest in a broader range of assets, such as stocks, property, and other investments.
Pension Trusts

How Do Pension Trusts Work?

  1. Contributions: You and your employer make regular contributions to the pension trust. These contributions are invested to grow the fund over time.
  2. Investment Management: Trustees manage the investments within the trust, aiming to grow the fund while balancing risk and return. They have a fiduciary duty to act in the best interests of the beneficiaries.
  3. Benefit Payments: When you retire, the trust pays out benefits according to the scheme’s rules. This could be a lump sum, regular income, or a combination of both.
  4. Tax Advantages: Contributions to Pension Trusts often benefit from tax relief, and the growth of the fund is typically tax-efficient, which helps increase your retirement savings.
Pension Trusts

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Pension Trusts

Common Questions About Pension Trusts

How Do I Join a Pension Trust?

You can join a Pension Trust through your employer if they offer one. You can also set up through financial institutions like Joslin Rhodes as part of a personal pension plan.

How do I set up a Pension Trust with Joslin Rhodes?

All you need to do is get in touch for a free one-to-one meeting. Here, our expert Financial Planner will discuss your circumstances and if a Pension Trust is appropriate, they will outline all costs and next steps.

What Happens if the Pension Trust Underperforms?

Investment returns can fluctuate, but trustees work to manage risk and protect the fund.

Pension Trusts

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We'll show you:

  • Pension Trusts When you can afford to retire
  • Pension Trusts How much money you'll need in retirement
  • Pension Trusts How to make the most of your pensions and other assets to fund your lifestyle